Hey Everyone today I am sharing one of my favorite blogs with you. I am busy working on project's right now that I will post soon but for now Check this blog out http://daisy-diaries.blogspot.com/ I didn't even tell you the best part she is starting "Daisy's Favorite Things" I have posted it below it is a must see you won't believe it.
Hugs & Kisses Curly.
Join me tomorrow for "Daisy's Favorite Thing" This is not a Giveaway..cause your ALL getting one!!!
Have you ever watched Oprah's favorite things show? And have you ever thought, boy I wish I was in that studio audience today? Am I right?
Well...{like Oprah} I have favorite things too.
{Not nearly as extravagant by a long shot!!!}
But, I don't think I have to be Oprah to share them.
I mean, why should she have all the fun??
So here's the plan. One Saturday a month I am going to host a blog event called:
"Daisy's Favorite Thing." What... you ask? Well let me tell ya! I will post something that is now, or has been one of my favorite things. Then, I am going to send you one {yes you!} and then maybe it will become one of your favorite things!
I know right?? Every body is a winner!
YEAH YOU!!! So here's the rules, cause you got's to have rules or all heck could break loose :)#1. You MUST already be a follower or become a follower of my blog.
#2. Please leave a comment on the "Daisy's Favorite Thing" post. Be sure to leave your email address. Failure to leave your email address may result in not receiving my favorite thing. Sorry!
Comments must be posted between 9am and 12pm the day of.#4. Tell all of your friends!
#5. Have fun!
Simple right?
We will have our first "Daisy's Favorite Thing" Tomorrow. Saturday, February, 25th, 2011 at 9 a.m. be there or be square! :)What a great start to the weekend right?