Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Our Bedroom Renovations

So we are also renovating our bed & I have taken picture's because I have started to collect things that I want to have in the space but I am still not sure what color or colors I want to paint the walls.
I would love to hear from you and what you think I should do. This is the new bed and bed set we got I am thinking on doing the wall with the head board a different color. What do you think?

I painted those prints & I don't know if I should do 4 of them and hang them on the side wall with 2 on top & 2 on the bottom. I am slowly get things but sometimes you have to be in the right mood to design. This is something I don't want to rush because I don't want to have to do it in 6 months again. I want to enjoy a spaces that's mine.

This is the dresser that matches the set. I love the reflection in the mirror.

We put in french doors and then there will be a private deck & someday a hot on that deck.

This is a clock that I picked up for $10. I just love it.

I got 2 of these lamps at a Goodwill & the ring dish from Jason grandma. I just love the lamps they where $7 for both such a steel. If you have any color ideas for my walls let me know I would love to hear from you.
Hugs & Kisses Curly.

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